NodeJS Server Side Development

The NodeJS is an essential part of operations even if you do not see yourself as an innovative developer who jumps on the latest trends. The latest platforms may not hold your interest for the work you perform, but the NodeJS backend development makes it an essential part of your work. There are several effective uses for the NodeJS, particularly if you want to improve the overall efficiency of what you do.


Perhaps the greatest advantage of the NodeJS is that it improves the runtime for JavaScript thanks to its ability to compile it into the native machine code. A key feature is that it the event loop comprises of one thread that runs all the I/O operations in an asynchronous fashion. This allows for less memory to be used when performing an I/O operation as it when the task is completed the event loop will go back to the task called for in the callback function. You can build a very fast network using the NodeJS in your system.

Improves Real-Time Performance

There is little doubt that the NodeJS improves the overall performance of multi-user, real-time web applications that range from games to messaging, chats, and more. Thanks to the event loop which addresses the multi-user requirements, the augmentation of the WebSocket protocols provide for faster performance. The two-way communication of client to server and back again is handled at the same speed for greater efficiency.

JavaScript Friendly

There are many who use Ember, Backbone, or Angular on their client framework alongside an REST-ful server-side API designed to move JSON around. Without NodeJS on your server, then you are engaged in translation day in and out. With JavaScript on your app, it creates an easier, more practical approach that works for your needs. It helps that JavaScript is setting the standards around the world and will be here for quite some time to come.

Popularity of JavaScript

It certainly helps that JavaScript has become so popular that many web developers have coded it over time. Considering the difficulty of finding the best talent in the web development field, using a web platform as popular as JavaScript that is augmented by the NodeJS backend development makes for a potent combination.

Hosting Options

Thanks to the popularity of the NodeJS, the number of places where it is being hosted has multiplied rapidly over the past few years. Platform-as-as-Service (PaaS) providers such as the venerable Heroku supports the Node deployment as well as newer ones such as Modulus. The result is that the NodeJS is well supported under many hosting option plans.

Single Codebase

If you can write JavaScript on the server and the client which makes it simple to send data to both, then it’s not much of a stretch to create a web app that runs off a single codebase that will synchronize the data between both. You will need to use a program called Meteor which will be constructed in the Node itself. By running the same codebase, you can write the code for the client and save it to the database with ease as it runs to the server. It also works in the opposite manner, going from the server to the client. Because of the single codebase, the reaction of the data is automatic as the updates happen instantaneously.

NPM Package Manager

The package manager for the NodeJS is the NPM and it provides for fast, consistent performances. Its strengths are found in its ability to identify and install project dependencies, prevent version conflicts, avoid packages from interacting with other projects, and hand the installation of platform-dependent binaries as well as shell commands. This helps speed up the overall process and improves overall performance.

Proper Caretaking

One of the concerns about any open-source project is what happens when the maintainers are no longer around. The good news about the NodeJS is that its sponsor, Joyent, is an actual company that backs the product. With a number of clients on their roster that includes Microsoft, PayPal, Voxer, Walmart, and Yahoo, Joyent is not going anywhere anytime soon which provides some peace of mind to those who wonder if the system will be maintained.

Smoother Streaming Data

Most web frameworks will see the HTTP requests along with the responses as entire data objects rather than I/O streams which is their true identity. The NodeJS backend development allows for the proper handling of I/O streams which allow for the transcoding of video and audio files while they are being uploaded. Doing so reduces the overall time it takes to process which means that the data streams considerably smoother than before. The NodeJS can write or read the streams going to web sockets with the same efficiency as HTTP. This means an overall better performance with smoother streaming overall.

What makes any product desirable is its overall performance, accessibility, and how it impacts the industry. There is little doubt about how the NodeJS has made a powerful, positive impact that continues to deliver each and every day. This is being noted in the community that is using the NodeJS in greater numbers thanks in large part to the availability of JavaScript. From those engaging in conferences and meetings to working on servers and higher-grade systems, the word about NodeJS backend development is spreading in large part due to its growing reputation.

Is NodeJS just a trend? It might be argued that this system is the current fad, but that does not take away from the high-quality results that it brings. While changes in technology may steer the community away from JavaScript and the NodeJS, that does not mean people should wait for the replacement to appear. Given the overall performance of this product, it behooves anyone who wants to improve the overall speed, performance, and communication between server and client to invest in the NodeJS. This is a must for anyone using JavaScript as its record of improving overall performance is impressive enough to make it a must-buy within the industry.

Here at TechSpire we have a professional team of NodeJS developers. 20+ successful projects. To get your FREE QUOTE contact us today!