HAHAthon 3.0 Game on!

As we promised, we held our HAHAthon next week. This time we focused on the Game development.


Usually, we have three speakers and this time it was not an exception. The first topic we discussed was our Gamedev specialist’s idea to create a space sandbox game. Michail was inspired by the good old games like X3, Space Rangers, Freelancer, Elite and Star Control. A large part of our team has played these games, that’s why there were lots of suggestions on plot and characters. Also, we’ve discussed possible difficulties, connected with bringing game to life, such as the whole system compatibility: races, ship prices etc. should be balanced.

 Legend of Kolobok

The second topic was presented by our Senior Android developer, who proposed to develop an integrated game engine, written in C++. It will take, for example, fairy tale, parse text and as a result, we’ll have a text RPG game. Users will create their own unique tale. It’s easier to describe in a certain case – In our company we took a famous Russian tale “Kolobok”.

Kolobok, in itself, is a traditional Slavic round cake made from unleavened dough, suddenly becomes animated and escapes from “babusia” and “didus`” (old wife and man) home. The fairy tale’s plot describes Kolobok’s repetitive meetings with various animals (rabbit, wolf, and bear) who intend to eat it, but Kolobok cunningly escapes.

Using this game, you can create an absolutely unexpected story, where Kolobok can fight with a fox, bite a bear or become a criminal or on the contrary, save the Universe and become a superhero.

Never talk about this game.

The third topic, our CTO’s idea – a cross-platform game with an opportunity to start a  fight with your friends. Yes, you heard right, to prevent violence between people, we in Techspire think that it is better to let off steam virtually. How do we see the gameplay?  You collect arms and armor, stumbling on it, like everywhere you go, during the day.When you play, you visit some “power places”, where is a maximum accumulation of monsters or players. You choose a  competitor among them. And let the battle begin!

Lots of fun was connected with this topic. There were funny comments about the “hassle”, blowing off steam, “haters” and etc.  Our colleagues evolve idea to use augmented reality, like virtual fists and uniform in the nearest future and assembling a relatives team to make some kind of clans.

We stayed for an extra-hour to discuss HAHAton topics. And this time it was such a pleasure to have guests in our company. We in Techspire are always glad to see some new faces and ideas. See you our next report, dear readers!